Everything but the kitchen sink is about celebrating happy memories. These garments represent the joy I experience when I think back on my childhood and are physical manifestations of my nostalgia.
The idea for this concept came from the stress and activity of life. while we are moving from project to project or event to event, it's hard to live in the moment and appreciate the memories being created.
This collection embodies these feelings by incorporating prints developed from old family photos and lights to dazzle and delight.

- Someone who is looking to rediscover their childhood
- a young woman who is feeling lost in an endless abyss of work, school, family, etc...
- looking for inspiration
- feels stuck and wants to break free
- wants to be the life of the party when there's not party to go to
- always the center of attention

These prints were developed from my old family photos and capture the life of the memories into the fabrics.

string Lights
sequin Embellishments
duchess satin
lucent satin
hand woven lights
Lights encased in tulle

I started by draping with thrifted clothing, thrifted fabric, and a digital print of one of my sketchbook collages. Then I took those drapes and collaged them together to further experiment with
Silhouettes. From there, I combined ideas from my sketchbook with the collages to create my precollection where I added in the prints and textiles I had been developing. I continued to develop the looks through feedback and reflection on my concept and ultimately decided on the Final lineup at the bottom of this page.